Proudly presenting newly developed Blender add-on – HMTools. It will help any CG artist working in the Blender to set up hdri and get some nice ones for free from using API
You can get add-on from BlenderMarket for 1$ or download for completely free from Download it to your desktop and simply install like any other Blender add-on.
First run and how to use
If you want to install some nice free hdris you can automate that process. Press Sync Library and wait around 3 minutes – an add-on will download hdris from API and will create some nice library environment asset, that can be used any time with simple drag & drop.
If you already have some hdris you can try to use HMTools‘ tweak panel that allows to rotate hdri, change its exposure power, add blur, tweak contrast or even add Flatten Ground transformation (you need to check that one especially).

To learn more about HMTools please check video below: