Batch Tonemapper

Suggested Price: 2,00 

Batch Tonemapper is a simple program allowing you to generate thumbnails for .exr or .hdr files.
It was written in Python, and  is available  for Windows 10/11 and Linux. Demo on Youtube.

Program offers you few tonemapping options, you can also set a thumbnail max resolution and quality in the options.

SKU: free_batchtonemapper Categories: , Tag:
SystemLinux, Windows
License TypeRoyalty-Free


How to use HDRI Tonemapper?

batchtonemapper v 1.1

  1. Download file and unzip it to your hard drive
  2. Double click to run it
  3. Browse to the directory consisting .hdr or .exr files
  4. Browse to the output directory – I suggest you to use the same directory as above
  5. Press PROCESS button and wait.
  6. Depending on specification of your PC and resolution of hdri files it can take some time. You can see a progress in console window below


Release history

18 January 2023, version 1.1

  1. Added option to batch process subfolders
  2. Fixed max resolution for output, when source is smaller than resolution output, source file resolution will be used

15 January 2023, version 1.0

  1. First release only for Windows
  2. Day after first release I have compiled Linux version